

Fourth grade is a very exciting time in the life of your child.  It’s a time in which many children begin to experience some physical and/or emotional changes associated with “growing-up”.  We plan to provide a program to explain some of the changes they may be experiencing, or that they will experience soon.  A letter will go home with your student(s) giving you more information and a date this will occur.  It will also have an opt out form that will need to be signed if you do not wish for your child to attend.  

Fifth and sixth grade also have a maturation class that further discusses the topics that are touched in the fourth grade class.  A letter will go home before this class to give you more information, the date, and consent form.  If you choose to not have your child attend please sign and return to school. 

If you have an further question or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your school nurse.

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