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Parents/Guardians are often faced with making a decision to keep their child at home or send them to school.  Staying home and resting permits the body to combat an illness faster and prevents infecting others.  It is recommended that a child should remain at home if you are noticing any of the following:
♦Sever colds, cough or consistant sore throats
♦Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea or abdominal pain
       Must be at least 24 hours free of vomiting or diarrhea to return to school 
♦Temperature of 100.0 degrees or more with or without other symptoms
       Must be fever free for at least 24 hours, WITHOUT using fever reducing medications to return to school
♦New skin rashes, especially if a discharge is present.  If a medical opinion states otherwise, please bring Doctor’s note that states the rash is non-communicable
♦If your child has been on antibiotics for 24 hours or more they may return to school, unless fever is still present WITHOUT using fever reducing medicaitons

We hope the above information is helpful when making the decision to keep your child home or send them to school.  If you still have some concerns please call your family Doctor or the school nurse for further help.  Thanks.

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